'It is real' Bae Jung-hoon pd, 'The Empress' as Lee Young-jin photo is caught. "Lovers" (All The Butlers')

All The Butlers' Lee Seung-gi found a picture of his girlfriend Lee Young-jin on pd Bae Jung-hoon's desk.
The SBS entertainment program All The Butlers, which aired on the 19th, was decorated wIth a 24-hour special feature of the broadcasting station, which tours from SBS Cultural Bureau to the Press Bureau and the Performing Arts Bureau. Cha Eun-woo and Kim Dong-Hyun were among the students for the day.
First, the members who visIted SBS Cultural Bureau met and greeted pd Bae Jung-hoon, who wants to know It. Shin Sung-rok, a big fan of 'It wants to know', revealed his fanship that he seems to be a entertainer.
In particular, Lee Seung-gi found a picture of model and actor Lee Young-jin on the desk of Bae Jung-hoon pd and asked, "Are you not an actor?" Bae Jeong-hoon pd and Lee Young-jin have been growing love since 2017.
Lee Seung-gi said, "You are a lover, but this picture is attached here, so It looks like a sketch."