The result of the uninterrupted challenge of actor Jung Woo-sung is meeting the audience in the theater.
"The Beasts Who Want to Hold a Jeep" (director Kim Yong-hoon), released on the 19th, is a crime drama of ordinary humans planning the worst hantang to take the money bag, the last chance of their lives, and Jung Woo-sung played the role of Tae-Young, who dreams of a hantang while suffering from debts due to his lost lover.
In 'The Animals Who Want to Hold the Spray', you can meet a new face of Jung Woo-sung, who has become more comfortable. In front of the opportunity of a lifetime, I was able to express the situation in front of Tai-Young, which was passive and indecisive, with natural and witty expression, and increased the immersion of the audience.
"I liked the uniqueness of the story," said Jung Woo-sung, who was fortunate, laughing numbly, "Tae-Young is Mr. Jeon Do-yeon's old lover."
“I was wondering how I could reason a person named Tai-Young and make it harmonious with other people. So I chose the Character Tae-Young and then I saw 'What to do with Tae-Young'. In fact, Tae-Young is not the one who keeps leading the movie. When I hit and fell, I was worried about how much I would play without any overload, and it became an element that could actively do Character design. "
Jung Woo-sung, who said that he would like to see the audience feel bitter compassion while watching Tae-Young, said, "When you look at the Characters in 'Jipuragirado', Jungman (Bae Sung-woo) is a person who can feel universal compassion, and Yeon-hee (Jeon Do-yeon) is a dramatic figure. When I looked at 'What kind of person should Tae-Young be?', I was worried about what to highlight and the point was 'to highlight the loophole'. It is the part that makes you laugh. "
Even if you did not intend to do anything, you could see the natural weakness because the desperate stories of Tae-Young continued in the story.
This is the meeting with Park Ji-hwan, one of the scenes of delight in the appearance of Tae-Young in the movie. Towards Park Ji-hwan, "You can't see your face in my face? "The word" Korean representative handsome ", a representative expression of Jung Woo-sung, is also Naturally recalled and smiles.
Jung Woo-sung, who laughed, "I have to catch a fish, so I just threw a ridiculous word," said, "It came out of many words I threw. I changed my breathing method in every take frame, and Park Ji-hwan said that it was really fun after the shooting was over. Thank God," he said.
Every time Jung Woo-sung's face is closed up on the screen, traces of the face that the troubles of Tae-Young are buried are also noticeable.
"If you need to shoot, you apply lightly powder, but you don't make up well," said Jung Woo-sung, who laughed, "I see it on a big screen, and if (the actor) keeps decorating it, the awkwardness can be seen in one look. I think it is important to show everyday life in order to convey the feelings of the Character. Tae-Young Character did not need makeup originally, "he said.
In the movie, Tae-Young believes and smokes a cigarette named "Lucky Strike" as a lucky talisman. Jung Woo-sung himself was a "belief".
Jung Woo-sung said, "Belief is your belief in dealing with something. It seems that if you constantly expand and make it hard and flexible, you will have the courage to accept humbly no matter what the difficulties are. "
"What I blame is that I am not fully accepting the phenomenon that happened in front of me, and I can not move forward. Faith is a belief in yourself, a responsibility, so you do not have to blame any other substance or object. "
Throughout the story, Jung Woo-sung said, "There is no dissatisfaction with the movie." "Tae-Young is not the main Character alone. I thought it was the completion of this Character to faithfully fulfill the mission of Tae-Young, and if the audience saw it like that, I think I can be satisfied enough. "
He became an actor for 27 years after debuting to the 1994 movie "Gumiho." With his beliefs, he is walking his own path without being shaken by any minor things around him.
Jung Woo-sung added, "I think it is wise to use Gina Rodriguez on my time and time as a person rather than admitting time and trying to win it." (Continue on Interview2)
Photo = Megabox Central Co., Ltd. PlusM