TVN The first filming of the new monthly drama 'Ban-Yi-Ha' Lee Ha-na was released.
"Ban-Ui-Hahn" is a story of unrequited love that is free to start, grow, and end, where artificial intelligence programmer Lower house (Jeong Hae-in) and classical recording engineer Seo (Chae Soo-bin) meet and draw.
Lee Ha-na is expecting to play the role of Gardner Moon Soon-ho, who loves Plants, with a special family like a friend at times with the Lower house.
Among them, Lee Ha-na's first filming SteelSeries was released. Lee Ha-na in SteelSeries captures his gaze with a clear smile that bursts out of the word 'curious'. In addition to this, he digs a neat and elegant ivory suit and admires it. His clean and elegant appearance without tea makes him expect another Acting transform.
In addition, Lee Ha-na focuses his attention on the way he is carrying the flowerpot in his arms as if he is giving a child. It is good to see the brilliant Plants, and the smile full of his face makes the viewers happy.
In addition, I do not care about the muddy knee, I do not care about the Plants, I feel the warm affection for the Plants. It is noteworthy that Lee Ha-na, who has his own unique sensibility, will capture viewers with an attractive act by disassembling himself as a gardener 'Moon Soon Ho' who loves Plants.
"Lee Ha-na has been transformed into a gardener Moon Soon-ho with a neat charm with a perfect Character study from the first shooting, and impressed the staff. Moreover, Lee Ha-na is becoming a vitamin with a unique mild and warm sensibility and atmosphere. I hope Lee Ha-na's Acting will draw Moon Soon-ho Character more stereoscopic and attractive. "
"Ban-Ui-Hahn" is scheduled to air first at 9 p.m. on March 23.
Photo = tvN