'Romantic Doctor Kim Sabu 2' Ahn Hyo-seop, Lee Sung-kyung surprise 'Kiss' ..Lee Sung-kyung, Doldam Hospital 'residual' resolution

In 'Romantic Doctor Kim Sabu 2', Lee Sung-kyung decided to stay at Doldam Hospital, and Ahn Hyo-seop surprise Kissed Lee Sung-kyung.
On the 28th, SBS Mon-Tue Drama "Romantic Doctor Kim Sabu Season 2 (director Yoo In-sik, Lee Gil-bok's play Kang Eun-kyung)" was portrayed by Woojin (Ahn Hyo-seop), who was surprised by Eun Jae (Lee Sung-kyung).
After receiving a notice of dismissal from Park Min-guk (Kim Joo-heon), Eun-jae regretted his past choosing a doctor, saying, "I should have fled during anatomy practice, as I did not have talent on this side."
The emergency situation was caused by the arrival of Murder Weapon number to the emergency room at Doldam Hospital, which was more tense than the need to uncuff and operate. Kim Sabu (Han Seok-gyu) was careful about surgery, knowing that a patient with terminal heart failure had been dialysis for five years. He then called for Eunjae and told Eunjae about the patient's situation.
Woojin (Ahn Hyo-seop) also will be in charge of surgery for a fallen paramedic. However, the situation of life was dangerous, and Kim Sabu watched the situation urgently and looked at the situation of Woojin and the patient, but the situation did not improve. The situation was a risk of brain death due to head shocks caused by drunken passengers. Kim Sabu said he would check it through CT, but the pupils were already open, and the atmosphere became disastrous.
After the surgery, Eun-jae ran into Woojin. Woojin reported on the unfortunate paramedic brain death, and Eunjae said he had come after the Weapon number surgery, saying, "I want to keep someone who does not want to live and live."
Jang Gi-tae (played by Lim Won-hee) was called separately by Park Min-guk and Yang Ho-joon (played by Ko Sang-ho). The two men told Jang Gi-tae that they wanted a more systematic system, pinpointing the fact that the Doldam Hospital moved to Kim Sa-bu's reality without a proper system. Jang Jang-tae said money, and the next day, Park Min-guk called all the employees and declared a 5% full-time increase in employee salary.
Eun Jae said that his Weapon number was feverish due to vascular inflammation and that he was in urgent need of kidney transplantation. In the meantime, he knew that the paramedics who had been diagnosed with brain death had United Network for Organ Sharing, and confirmed the same blood type. Eun-jae told the master about the situation, and Woojin did not agree.
Woojin said that he should give his parents enough time to mourn, saying, "Is the life of the recipient important, and I have to keep the last courtesy." "Is not it because it is Murder Weapon number?" Woojin said, "It is a person, a daughter of someone before the United Network for Organ Sharing, a personality, a necessary moment, not a thing, but a person."
The paramedics who died in the conversation between the two were heard, and strongly denied Murder Weapon number for United Network for Organ Sharing. But at this time, the paramedics heard from the Weapon number that he had been bullied in the past and committed Murder. Paramedics said, "If my child is wrong, it is my mother's heart that is like my fault." "Let's donate." I decided to donate my daughter's organs to save the Weapon number.
In a solemn atmosphere, the United Network for Organ Sharing of paramedics was operated on to save the Weapon number. In the end, the paramedics saw off her daughter's last, and the atmosphere of the stone wall hospital was also calmed down with tears. Kim Sabu and Park Min-guk performed the joint surgery and successfully completed the surgery.
In the meantime, Eunjae went back to Yang Ho-joon. "I do not want to go to another hospital, but I am shameless but unfair, I have worked hard even if I came to the knife in my neck. Why should I go to another hospital? "" If I go to another hospital without going through it, I will be blamed for myself for my life.
Eunjae then went to Woojin, and then mentioned Woojin's family history, saying, "It was bad but I was sick." Eunjae said, "I was sick to hear that." Woojin said, "Do not be sick without any need and do not be serious." "As soon as we get serious, we do not answer, erase everything you have heard."
Eunjae said, "How do you erase it all?" Woojin said, "Let me know again? Reset."
'Romantic Doctor 2' captures the broadcast screen