EXO Chen has announced the surprise marriage and pregnancy news.
Chen posted a long hand letter to the official fan club community 'Lysn' on the 13th and informed the marriage directly.
Chen said, "I am very nervous and nervous about how to start talking, but I wanted to be the first to tell the fans who have loved me so much." "I have a girlfriend who wants to spend my life together. I was worried and worried about what kind of situation would happen due to this decision, but I wanted to communicate with the company a little early so that I would not be surprised by the sudden news, and I was talking with the members. "
"Then we came to Blessing, which was very embarrassing, but it was more powerful for this Blessing," he said indirectly.
Chen said, "I was very brave because I could not delay the time anymore." "I am very grateful to the members who have sincerely congratulated me on hearing this news and I am deeply grateful to the fans who have sent me a love for me."
Finally, Chen concluded the letter, "I will always show you my gratitude and my gratitude for the love that I have always done my best in my place."
After Chen's letter was released, SM Entertainment, a subsidiary company, confirmed Chen's marriage, saying, "Chen met a precious relationship and marriage."
"The bride is a non-entertainer, and the marriage ceremony is planned to be held reverently by only the families of both families. According to the family's will, everything related to marriage and marriage is conducted privately. "
SM said, "Chun will continue to work hard as The Artist," he said. "I would like to ask Chen to celebrate with a lot of bessing."
Chen is the first member of EXO to be married to the world, and has been interested not only in Korea but also overseas in the sudden marriage announcement of the top idol.
EXO fans responded to Chen's marriage and pregnancy announcement astonishing, but they are soon giving the voice of Blessing to Chen. Chen did not hide the marriage fact, but he was the first to inform the fans directly. It is also why Chen, who started the second act of life in the Blessing of members and fans, is more expected to show up in the future.
Meanwhile, Chen, born in 1992, made his debut as a group EXO in 2012. EXO left hits such as 'Run', 'Addiction', 'Monster' and 'Love Shot', and Chen made his debut as a solo The Artist in April last year with 'We break up after April'.
Photo = DB