All The Butlers' Shin Sang-hyung played against sports Legend players Pak Se-ri, Choi Byung-chul, Kwak Yoon-gy and Kim Dong-Hyun.
On SBS All The Butlers' broadcast on the 26th, Pak Se-ri showed great ability.
Golf coach Pak Se-ri, Judo coach Cho Jun-Ho, former fencing player Choi Byung-chul, short track player Kwak Yoon-gy and UFC player Kim Dong-Hyun appeared as masters. When Lee Seung-gi asked, "What happens if there are Legends between events?" Kim Dong-Hyun said, "The deeper you go, the greater the difference in the event. "If you try to induce, you will not be a partner at all," he said.
When Lee Seung-gi asked about the plan, Pak Se-ri laughed, saying, "What do you do if you do it?" Lee Seung-gi said, "We do not see us as athletes." Pak Se-ri said, "We are good in body size and we have done a little bit on the air."
Short-term attribute battery training began ahead of the first All The Butlers Olympics; the first training was the focus training of Pak Se-ri. "All sports and acting will be the same, but concentration is the biggest thing in golf, and if one person is in front of thousands of galleries, it sounds very loud. But if you concentrate perfectly, you can not hear anything. "
The production team said that they will provide an advantage card through the game because the difference between their skills is so large. When Pak Se-ri said there were a lot of players in the Legend team who didn't know golf, Kim Dong-Hyun said, "I memorized it with my eyes; acquisition is not a joke. "Athletes are habitual to win," Lee Seung-gi said. "Entertainers do not have a habit of winning, but there are habits that do not lose." But by a slight difference, the Legend team won.
24th Period Mystery said Choi Byung-chul's quick training, and Choi Byung-chul said he would show him the actual Kyonggi. Choi was tired as he proceeded with Kyonggi, and Pak Se-ri was worried that his lip was blue. Other Legends shouted, "I can do it," saying, "Is not it Park Sang-young?" Choi Byung-chul, who won, said, "I am a small fencer and I use anomalous techniques a lot. I do not abandon the stone, but I mix it once. "
Lee Seung-gi asked, "Is it possible to fall?" And Choi said he would try to penetrate paprika. But the result was a failure. Pak Se-ri said, "You have to be a little humble," and Cho Jun-Ho, Kim Dong-Hyun, scrambling to offer advice. Yang Se-hyeong laughed, saying, "If you hold a knife, I will throw it in." Lee Seung-gi also prepared a paprika with a knife. However, Choi hit Paprika correctly in the second attempt.
The All The Butlers and Legend teams then faced off with water balloon fencing. Kim Dong-Hyun, confident in fuselage vision, reached all water balloons, but failed to burst a single water balloon. Pak Se-ri switched to a skill to hit the water balloon and succeeded in four; the forwards that Legend's team burst totaled five; and the All The Butlers won by double.
34th Period Mystery is a mixed martial arts training; Lee Seung-gi recommended Shin Sung-rok, who never hit a low kick. Shin Sung-rok offered to be hit without a guard, but fell right down after being hit by Kim Dong-Hyun's low kick.
Photo = SBS Broadcasting Screen