Simon Dominic, who wrote a cone Hat and transformed into handsome Santa...Damoim 100 million Donation
Singer Simon Dominic (real name Jung Gi-seok) is receiving public attention through the group 'Damoim' activities and is having a busy year-end, including Donation and the release of new songs.
Simon Dominic posted two photos on his personal Instagram account on December 25 with the caption: "merry Christmas" (Mary Christmas). Simon Dominic in the photo is smiling in a red cardigan over white pants and knit. Simon Dominic is eye-catching as he wears a high-colored Hat, which is decorated like Christmas Santa clothes, in another photo, and checks his handsome face.
Simon Dominic recently released the song "Amadu" on December 3 through the group "Damoim" formed by the rappers in 1984, and won the top spot on various soundtrack charts. Damo, which belongs to Simon Dominic, has performed a good deed by donating 100 million won to the Korea Children's Cancer Foundation, along with the release of a new song called "Two bottles" on December 24th.
Choi Yu-jin