"Choi Siwon expressed support for the protesters in a way that expressed sympathy for the Hong Kong-related reports, and many China fans were disappointed," the China groom entertainment channel said on the 25th.
Choi Choi Siwon retweeted a domestic media article on his Twitter Inc., which reported an interview with CNN recently after the operation by Patrick Chow, 21, who was in a serious condition after being shot by police after participating in the Hong Kong anti-China protest on the 24th.
As China netizens protested, Choi Siwon deleted the tweet and posted it on his Weibo to explain it.
"I have confirmed what happened at Twitter Inc.," he told Weibo, "and I just expressed my interest (in the Hong Kong situation) in the hope that the (Hong Kong's) chaos and violence will end as soon as possible."
“I sincerely apologize for this behavior that has caused your animosity and disappointment,” he added.
Some netizens expressed their intention to accept Choi's explanation in a comment.
sympathy media
Choi Choi Siwon, Weibo, "I sincerely apologize for causing antagonism and disappointment."