Running Man' Ji Suk-jin X Lee Kwang-soo X Yang Se-chan, interrupting the 'involvement behavior'...Finally failed to acquire hints from both teams

Because of the members of the interference, both teams did not receive the hint of 'dark god'.
In Running Man', there was a mishap that both teams did not receive hints because of the members of the interference.
On SBS Running Man', which was broadcast on the afternoon of the 8th, a scene of failing to acquire hints of 'God of Darkness' was broadcast.
On the same day, Haha & Jang Yewon, Jongguk & Sunny, and Seokjin & Jihyo team first had to explain the place Jessie 'public toilet', followed by Haha and Sunny's perfect explanation, and added 'invitational gesture' to Ji Suk-jin.
Ji Suk-jin added 'hand gesture' did not get the right answer.
Other members suspected Ji Suk-jin and decided to watch it at the next Jessie, but Jessie 's' Chamjemyeon' failed to get a hint by explaining Ji Suk-jin's irreversible way to the mountain.
Then, Jae Seok & Kim Ye-won, Gwangsu & Stern, and Sechan & Somin team showed the food 'Chickenmu' Jessie, which is not Lee Kwang-soo but like a pig ribs.
The subsequent Jessie was Carousel, and the members circled to express Carousel. On the turn of Yang Se-chan, Yang Se-chan showed a horse riding like a horse riding, making other members think of it as a racetrack.
Yoo Jae-Suk regretted that he failed to get the right answer because of the over-action Yang Se-chan.