Shin Se-kyung is 9 November 26 issued to the Star Style magazine 'Hycutt'through a clear and transparent beauty exposed. Golden fields in the wind in the Shin Se-kyung's hair done is the celestial world of the door open seemed mysterious to me. Warm and pastel poppy flowers and name all the wild flowers in between the border flowers such as the landscape was. Hollow a fun, transparent skin, and soon the Bank and the water droplets seemed to fall into the pure eyes are unreal so beautiful. Coral, pink, beige, lavender toned silk costumes called in Shin Se-kyung in fresh flowers, like a flower scent was.
After the shooting in an interview, Shin Se-kyung is kind of ahead of the drama 'a new pipe to command'for mentioned. He said: "to command is that time acting for the drama character in the unique charm of. Era is born came of the women who look and bump that point to it that can Express themselves 'stereotypes'in the freedom and people repeatedly said"a few days "I and the significant part they like that character. And kick off and from the representation to the desired representation, and modern to live in my natural as dragging and Sunny is felt that. Want to Express to 120% expression seems to be,"he added.
This partner focused breathing Cha Eun-woo for "very busy schedule and I would basically with Monster Energy's take a very bright Friend again. I as well as all the positive affected. 'A new Museum for the command'of the image and colors to determine also had a huge impact,"he explained.
'YouTube ecosystem destroyer'is termed as large as the popular Shin Se-kyung's YouTube channel. In this case, the "usual Cook likes it, then they record as leave if I wanted to. Also resting on the fans, and interestingly communicate in a way that was like"a few days "video editing YouTube as learned. They look, by default, drag and paste that you only edit the way the middle one. Edit because this laptop is also the first time I've"that said.
Shin Se-kyung's pictorial and Interview 9 26, issued a 'Hycutt' 248 through the can meet.