Netflix, the world's leading Digital marketing Entertainment service, will produce a new Entertainment Twogether' featuring Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Ho.
All-around entertainers Lee Seung-gi and Ryu I-ho announced the surprise news that made fans cheer on the official SNS today (9th). Posting a scene photo of Netflix's new Entertainment Twogether', which Asian stars Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Ho coincided. The photo shows Lee Seung-gi and Ryu's friendly two-shot, which gives a smile.
Twogether' is an Entertainment that depicts the adventures of Lee Seung-gi and Ryu Ho visiting fans in various countries and the process of becoming a true friend between two men who do not know each other well. Fans are planning a special trip, including the release of episodes they have experienced after they 'inhabited' their stars, as well as the star visiting fans in various countries.
Twogether' starts with music, Entertainment Baro you are the perpetrator! Season 2 ',' All The Butlers ',' The King of Hearts ',' Today's Love 'and other active Korean entertainer Lee Seung-gi and' Hi, My Girl 'and' More Dan Blue ', Chun Star's warm-hearted chemistry is on display. Here's the 'whoever did this is Baro! ',' Running Man ', the production company imagination that has been proven to be a co-optious fan, the first Entertainment for fans has been created.
Asia's star Lee Seung-gi and Ryu I-ho's first meeting with the fans already attrActing the hot attention Twogether' will be released on Netflix only.