Shin Se-kyung destroyed Cha Eun-woo's romance
In the 27th MBC drama Na Hae-ryung (played by Kim Ho-soo/directed by Kang Il-soo Han Hyun-hee), which was broadcast on August 29, Na Hae-ryung (Shin Se-kyung) made Lee Rim (Cha Eun-woo) heartbroken with a bitter voice on Fairytale 'Tangle'.
The Westerner Zhang (Fabian) became close to the Dowon Daegun Yirim (Cha Eun-woo), who hid him, and told the story of Tangled. Irim was impressed and told the story of Tangled to Koo and expected a response.
But when I heard the story, Na Hae-ryung said, “It’s hard for a person to turn over my keys even if he has a lifetime of hair. But I am so excited to have my head raised to reach the ground from the top of the high castle. "
“It’s awful that a man with a long hair is hanging there, so it hurts like a hair that is brushed and a hair that is torn. When the man arrives at the castle, the woman will faint with pain or be dead with a broken neck bone. "
Yoo Gyeong-sang