Hong Kong top actor Simon Yam showed off his profound middle-aged style.
Simon Yam, who appeared in the movie "The Thieves" and also made his face known to domestic fans, recently covered the December issue of Chinese fashion magazine "Sens (sense).
In a picture released by "sense," Simon Yam transformed into a winter man, naturally exposing his gray hair with years and creating a middle-aged atmosphere as it is. Here, trench coats and thick cardigans were matched to show warm and stylish fashion.
The clear features and the big eyes that seemed to fall in the eye caught my eye, and I expressed the figure of the winter man with the sad eyes and the soft smile.
Meanwhile, Simon Yam played Chen in the movie "The Thieves" released in 2012, and showed romance with Kim Hae Sook with action acting. Simon Yam, who married a model device 12 years younger in 1997, met audiences this year with films "Shut War", "House City of London Rising Suns" and "Change City of London Gangster".
Photo 'sense (sense)'