Wanna One member Kang Daniel this at 35 weeks chart reading.
Idol Chart side according to the 11 October in Week 2 point average ranking in the Kang, Daniel 2 thousand 5685 part of receiving top votes in the name of this year. 35 consecutive weeks top of the record.
Kang Daniel behind Jimin(BTS, 19377), storage(Wanna One, 17529 people), each(BTS, 17287 people), Jung Kook(BTS 8992), who(Wanna One, 6172), Park JI Hoon(Wanna One, 5021), and Sakura(Izone, 2854), Woo-Jin Park(Wanna One, 2680 people), yellow people(Wanna One, 2176 people)the higher the number of votes recorded.
Idol charts in ‘2019 can stare at was idol, who is best Well I saw?’Always Voting for progress. Results Izone by Kim Chae-won 84 Table 1 and climbed on top.