Kim Jae-hwan, a member of the Group Wanna Hana, said, "I was very emotional when I recorded my first full-length album."
Wanna Hana has been presenting its arithmetic series through EP, repackage, and singles such as 1X1=1 (TO BE HANA) 1-1=0 (NOTHING WITHOUT YOU) 0+1=1 (I PROMISE YOU) 1X=1 (UNDIVIDED)).
The album included 10 songs, including the title song Spring Wind. Spring Wind is an alternative dance song produced by Flow Blow, a composition team of Wanna Hana's debut song Energistic, and I-Gwam, a composer of Turn On. I expressed my dream of a fateful reunion like the day I first met.
“I felt a lot of excitement as I recorded each song, and I thought that if I felt more emotion, I would feel less emotion,” Kim Jae-hwan added. “I hope those emotions will be delivered well,” he said.
111=1 can be viewed at various music sites at 6 pm on the same day.