BTS held a concert of 'LOVE YOURSELF' on the 9th and 10th (local time) at the O2 Arena in London, England, selling out all the performances twice.
Local media outlets also showed deep interest in BTS's UK performance. The BBC has introduced BTS as "The Beatles of the 21st century, a global pop sensation", and has sold out the "O2 Arena performance and is the largest presence in the former World Music scene."
The Guardian also introduced "BTS has made a monumental achievement at UnIted States of America, not only changing the face of pop Music, but also being the first Korean group to reach the top of the Western Music industry." "BTS members deal wIth social issues by putting their psychology in the lyrics, and defend the generation they belong to." "The authenticIty of BTS is a theme that penetrates the LOVE YOURSELF series album, and the RM speech at UnIted Nations is in this context," he said.
"The natural behavior and camaraderie among members are the elements that make BTS attractive, and this bond is the power to hold them together."
The Guardian praised BTS's UK performance wIth the expression "warmth and surprise" shown by the former World popular boy group BTS. In addItion, "the colorful visuals were impressive throughout the performance, and even the images that came out while changing the costumes to change the stage were gorgeous and seemed to see art movies." BTS made each other and fans feel warm. Through this performance, I showed a message that everyone is important. "
Meanwhile, BTS appeared on the BBC's "The Graham Norton Show," the UK's best late-night talk show, on Wednesday as Its last schedule in the UK.
On this day, BTS first showed 'IDOL' stage in the hot shouts and cheers of the audience. In the talk that followed the host Graham Norton, he talked about various stories such as introduction of individual members, global cover model of UnIted States of America time, and UnIted Nations regular general meeting speech.
In particular, when asked about the message of the UnIted Nations regular general meeting speech, RM said, "Life always has a dilemma. We can not avoid It, "he said." We wanted to find our own way to love ourselves, so that young people can live happier and better lives. It was our message," he explained.
Wufi Goldberg, who participated as a guest, listened to RM's answer and gave his shirt as a gift on the spot as a gesture of impression. On the show, Jamie Donnon, Rosamond Pike and Harry Connick Jr. also appeared as guests wIth BTS.
Meanwhile, BTS will continue Its "LOVE YOURSELF" tour at Amstejigo Dome in the Netherlands on Thursday.