The controversy arose over the fan assault of the group Wanna One Manager; the agency apologized for the Manager's overreaction and promised to prevent a recurrence. However, criticism is followed by the behavior of Manager, which is difficult to understand common sense.
Short footage made headlines online last weekend; the footage showed a man pushing three women into the wall at the airport. In another video, a man in black is pushing a woman down.
The man in the video was the Manager of the group Wanna One. It is a video that captured the moment when Wanna One Manager restrained fans who came to see Wanna One leaving for Incheon International Airport to attend the 2018 KCON 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand on the 29th.
It was a short video of about 5 seconds, but it was shocking to push a woman with a strong force that was hard to cover her body. It was seen as a one-sided assault because there were no idol members nearby and it was a slow walk away. So the video, named 'Wanna One Manager fan assault', spread quickly.
On the morning of the 1st, the agency announced its official position with an apology. Swing Entertainment said, "I am sorry to have caused the fans to worry about the controversial video online." The Manager said, "We are deeply reflecting on the overreaction and will be disciplined." I also promised to carry out thorough education in the future.
Comment was running to criticize the man in the video when it was confirmed that Wanna One Manager was right. There were various Comments ranging from the opinion that it should be said instead of pushing to the opinion that it is the level of anger control disorder. I do not know what happened to Li Dian, but there were many reactions that acting like a video was a problem.
There was an opinion that we should see exactly what the situation was: the length of the video was so short that it was difficult to grasp the context after the event Li Dian. It is pointed out that the polar fan culture that tries to approach the idol too closely is a problem.
Instead of assault, the agency used the term “overreaction.” At the same time, he promised Relapse Prevention Counseling Workbook through education. However, whatever the postwar situation, the action of the video was obviously an unusual act closer to assault than overreaction. I did not have an idol member nearby, and I just pushed the walking fan hard enough to fall. It is also necessary to look back on the polar fan culture, but should not we first consider whether it is right to use violence to protect our idol?
Was Wanna One Manager's actions assault or overreaction?