Tom Crew, Henry Carville and Simon Pegg rocked 'Running Man' with Heart Attack
I'm sorry for the short meeting. The three Hollywood tickets were very interesting.
In particular, Son Hart made viewers smile.
On SBS 'Running Man' broadcast on the 22nd, actors Tom Cruise, Henry Carville and Simon Pegg appeared in the movie 'Mission Impossible 6: Fallout'.
Tom Cruise, Henry Carville and Simon Pegg appeared with a relaxed smile.
Tom Cruise, the ninth visit to Korea, said, "I am so happy that we can come to this show."
Henry Carville is the first visit to Korea. "I am so excited and excited. Thank you for inviting me."
Simon Pegg, who learned Thorn Hart, and the viewers smiled at the scene of the hearts of three brothers who could not be seen anywhere in the world since then.
As a secret to the longevity of 'Mission Impossible', the three people chose Tom Cruise by far.
In particular, Tom Cruise drove a motorcycle directly, not a CG, in Mission Impossible 6.
Tom Cruise said, "If you do CGV, it will look like a cartoon."
The three people and members who are about to leave the country have only one hour. They have played iron bags quizzes, mystery boxes, and a double-decker.
In this process, Simon Pegg showed storm knee walking, and Henry Carville quickly adapted to Korean entertainment, such as forcing Yoo Jae-seok to suppress.
The mystery box that followed was a game of horror of 'Running Man' members.
However, Tom Cruise, Henry Carville and Simon Pegg were at once embarrassed by the members of the "Running Man" by responding to the stormy performances of the members.
The amount of broadcasts that have mysteriously disappeared in the mystery box.
In particular, Tom Cruise won the game of Tong, but he said, "I won."
The hour I was with the three of them was too short.
Tom Cruise, Henry Carville and Simon Pegg said, "It was so fun." "I am so happy, but maybe we won a lot."
It was short, but it was a time of charm for three people.