Daesung, a member of the group Big Bang, has returned to the air after a long time, but he has been criticized for not only the production team but also the MC Yoo Jae-Suk of the Program. As Yoo Jae-Suk's influence grows, the standard for him is getting stricter. Daesung recently returned to the airwaves by appearing on MBC Entertainment Program 'What are you doing?' Daesung appeared in the Program as a potential candidate while looking for the main vocals of a circular tower in the project group. On this day, Daesung and Yoo Jae-Suk, who had appeared together in the past SBS Entertainment Program Family Outing, showed a strong impression with their memories of the past. However, unlike the atmosphere that was cheerful on the air, Daesung's past events and accidents were reexamined, and there was a lot of controversy among viewers. In May 2011, Daesung was arrested on suspicion of causing a person to die in a traffic accident on the southern end of the Yanghwa Bridge in Jasin's vehicle. However, the deceased had already fallen on the road before Daesung's vehicle entered, and Daesung was dismissed at that time. However, the public's eyes later turned cold when it became known that an Illegal entertainment establishment was operating in a building owned by Daesung in 2017. At the time of the purchase, Daesung explained that tenants had already moved in and were not aware of the Illegal business type of the companies. Later, it was concluded that he was not aware of the suspicion that he had aided an unauthorized entertainment bar, but the suspicion that the building owner did not know which company was in the building of Jasin continued. The problem is that Yoo Jae-Suk was also disappointed. Yoo Jae-Suk emphasized his relationship with Daesung on the broadcast, and it was pointed out that he helped Daesung's comeback. Casting is the authority of the production team, but there has been speculation that Yoo Jae-Suk's influence would have been enough to comment. When Joo Woo-jae joined the Program, there was a lot of suspicion that Yoo Jae-Suk's network was successful, so Yoo Jae-Suk should go to YouTube content. If you record a few times, you will be tied up with people who are in the same line. ⁇ Actually, I like Joo Woo-jae and I am friendly. Because of that, I never cast in the Program. Casting, of course, is a part of the production team. "You can share your opinions with the cast in the Casting process, but you can not deny that the director of the Program is in charge of these parts. Some point out that there is no reason to prevent Daesung, who has been dismissed from the controversy, from appearing. There is also concern that Yoo Jae-Suk is overly strict. However, a series of events means that Yoo Jae-Suk's influence is so great. Based on the favorable image, as he is loved by the whole nation as a national MC, he has a positive attitude toward his Program and his colleagues. This is why controversial performers are struggling to set the stage for their return through Yoo Jae-Suk's Program. However, it will not be possible to transfer all responsibility to Yoo Jae-Suk. However, as the public has a great interest and trust in Yoo Jae-Suk, it is also necessary to pay more attention to Yoo Jae-Suk as well as the production team with Yoo Jae-Suk.