A part of the group TOMORROW X Twogether's new song 'Chasing That Feeling' was released. TOMORROW X Twogether (Subin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, Huening Kai) released the title Tracks Highlight of their third full-length album "FREEFALL" on October 7th. Beomgyu shot Camcorder directly, and the emotions of the team were intact, and this video captured the natural appearance of the five members. As background music in the video, an audio snippet was inserted to infer the atmosphere of the title song 'Chasing That Feeling'. "Chasing that feeling" and "It's all I know" are repeated in a sad but determined vocal, and the snippet that catches the ear raises the expectation of the original song. 'Chasing That Feeling' is a song that tells the new beginning of Augmented reality behind the sweet but ungrowth past. It will reveal the pain and anxiety of Augmented reality frankly and stimulate the consensus of youth in this age by Deixis . TOMORROW X Twogether's third full-length album, "FREEFALL," which will be released on the 13th, depicts the story of youths who have delayed their growth and fled from the world after deciding to Deixis Augmented reality. This album includes the title song 'Chasing That Feeling', 'Growing Pain', 'Back for More (TXT Ver. ), 'Dreamer', 'Deep Down', 'Happily Ever After', 'Water Swallow', 'Blue Spring' and 'Do It Like That'.