Laos woman who was studying Korean meets Korean man on social media and gets married... (neighbor Charles Schwab Corporation)

As soon as I met him through SNS, I was convinced of the story of a Korean man and a Laos woman who had been uploaded to Engagement. In the 408th episode of KBS's "My Neighbor, Charles," which aired on the 24th, Konteng (27), a Laos who has been living in Korea for a year, appeared to unveil the Korean marriage adaptation period. After learning Korean in Laos, he became acquainted with the Korean Husband on social media. Husband Im Dong Hui!, 48, said, "At first, I thought, 'A foreigner is talking to me.' I kept talking to him, and he seemed like a nice person." The two met for the first time in Vietnam and traveled together and were convinced of each other's hearts. Husband explained, "I first met her at the airport in Vietnam. I thought she was just this woman. I went to Laos with my wife. My parents told me to engage in Engagement while I was there." He added, "My parents prepared Engagement because they said they were sure of each other. We will have a wedding in Laos this December." Husband Dong Hui! runs a boxing gym in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province.He used to run about half a dozen gyms and had a big business, but now he's reduced it to one. Dong Hui! commented on the reason for reducing the size of the gym, saying, "I was too busy running six gyms. There were more than 500 officials. The officials were upset because they could not take care of everyone carefully. "I'm only running one branch because I want to 'not this one'," he explained. Looking at Dong Hui!, Confucius said, "I can not understand my brother." Dong Hui! said, "I'm taking pictures of YouTube to show the family of Concheng. I want to show that Concheng is living happily in Korea." However, Dong Hui !, misunderstood between the two people and saw people who had a bad reputation. The two also have a weekly farm in Gangwon Province. Dong Hui! "If you are sick, you are building a farm every weekend to go to the mountains and buy it." Concheng helped Husband with farming with a familiar skill. "When I was a child, I helped my father in Laos and built a lot of farming," he said. He urged Husband, "Brother, hurry up," and Husband Dong Hui! Cin said, "(My wife) is in a hurry. It's hard." "When I came to Korea, it was good for people to work quickly. Koreans are just my style," he said with a smile.