Actor Kim Woo-bin has revealed his love for D.O. In the second episode of tvN's entertainment show "the kidneys Red Beans," which aired on Oct. 20, the real rural life of Lee Kwang-soo, Kim Woo-bin, D.O., and Kim Ki-bang, four best friends who cultivated a 500-pyeong field, continued. On this day, D.O. was born as an inventor by farming. "It is a little tricky style." "I usually think about what is more comfortable than just doing it." D.O. invented the Vinyl Watering can to give water more easily, and Kim Ki-bang admired the way he gave water using it, saying, "Is there such a cute person?" Kim Woo-bin also expressed his love for D.O., saying, "Why do you look so cute when you're with me?" Kim Ki-bang testified, "What is 10 times?" And "Ubin loves real light water." Kim Woo-bin expressed his affection, saying, "It is cute and cute." Since then, Kim Woo-bin has confirmed his affection by leaving a sawing D.O. on the camera. He praised D.O. as "sexy and sexy".