On the 12th, Heo Ji-woong said, "The son's hand was hit by a friend's cheek." Elementary school teacher at the Festival, who eventually died from a malicious complaint. Parents, who were identified as perpetrators in this regard, are one of the passages in the entry statement. " He added, "When I read the entrance statement, I have a lot of thoughts. What kind of Royal Feast thinks the actions in this entrance statement are normal?" In addition, Heo Ji-woong said, "Of course, it is the work of the child. It may be difficult to defend the Royal Feast." "But there is a line. As a person, there will be a line that must be kept by oneself, and there will be a line that laws and institutions enforce to prevent those who do not keep such a line and to protect teachers. " "But now that second line in our country does not work properly or does not exist in the first place," he said. "While the fact that 'son hit the cheek of a friend' turns into a position that 'son's hand hit the cheek of a friend' And while it is packed with Susa, the basic rights of the teacher and the future of our community that the children who have grown up are collapsing together." According to the Festival Yuseong Police Station, teacher A, a teacher in his 40s at the Festival Elementary School, made an extreme choice on the 5th, after which he was treated at a hospital but died on the 7th. A's family said they had a hard time complaining about life-threatening complaints and child abuse. "son's hand hit Friend on the cheek." It is one of the passages that Parents, who was pointed out as a perpetrator, said in the entry statement. If you read the entrance statement, you will have a lot of thoughts. What Royal Feast person would consider the actions in this entry statement normal? Of course, it's your child's job. "It can be difficult to keep Royal Feast. But there is a line. As a human being, there will be goodness to protect oneself, There will be a line enforced by laws and institutions to prevent those who do not keep such a line and to protect teachers. But now that second line in our country does not work properly or does not exist in the first place. While the fact that 'son slapped Friend' changed to the position that 'son's hand slapped Friend's cheek', And while that's wrapped up in the Susa of parental hearts, The basic rights of teachers and the future of our community that children who have grown up like that are collapsing together. #Heo Ji-woong Show #Heo Ji-woong Show Opening #sbs Radio