"Kim Dong-wook is a warm and intelligent actor who has calmed down the drama." With his friendly eyes, he gave a sense of exhilaration to all actors and sometimes cider-like ambassadors. "But did he think that his charm always worked for the public? Kim Dong-wook appeared in public each time with a similar Role. Kim Dong-wook has been in charge of Role for more than four years, mostly male characters with professional occupations. In tvN's "Profit Records of the Grand Historian," which ends on the 18th, Kim Dong-wook was divided into a mu-young (Kim Dong-wook), a lawyer with hyperempathy syndrome who feels pain because he is immersed in other people's feelings. He delicately depicted his client's work as grieving as his own. However, Kim Dong-wook took on the second Anchor Role after MBC 'The Man's Memory Act' and could not erase the character's resemblance. At the production presentation, Kim Dong-wook explained, "As Anchor, Role rarely comes out. You're more drawn to running around looking for the culprit, and stumbling around with other actors." As Kim Dong-wook said, the work deals with mysteries, thrillers, family, and love more often. "In detail, there are many scenes added differently from" The Memory of the Man ", but the overall flow is obvious. It was the same two years ago on tvN's "You Are My Spring" in July 2021. Kim Dong-wook was divided into ju yeong-do, who became a psychiatrist to make people want to live, so that they can live like people who do not live. Kim Dong-wook sensibly expresses emotional works. He plays ju yeong-do, an altruistic person, and is well received. The lack of a new top model is the industry's assessment of Kim Dong-wook. "It may be a clever strategy, but it may not be at the level that fans expect from the grand prize winner." The desire for various performances leads to development. Kim Dong-wook also needs a process to make 'mine' even if the new Top Model is overwhelming right now.