Will Kim Ji Young be a poisoned chalice? Channel A's Heart Signal' was unveiled on Thursday. Heart Signal' is a program that observes and analyzes the love of young men and women in the Signal House and infers the final couple. Seo Ju-won Jangcheon Seo Ji-hye Bae Yoon-kyung Oh Young-joo Lim Hyun-joo Hyun Woo Lee Hyun-soo Seo Min-jae and other cast members received interest and love from entertainers. Kim Ji Young was the one who took over their baton in season 4. Kim Ji Young succeeded in attracting everyone's attention from the first Broadcasting to the overwhelming visuals. Not only did he increase the heart rate of male cast members, but Kimina also said, "It is a rare face. It's hard to see in real life." As such, Kim Ji Young succeeded in raising his interest in Heart Signal' vertically with the beauty that comes out of youth comics. It also made it possible to predict that the male cast members' competition to capture his heart will become fierce in the future and raised interest in the love line. However, there is a lot of noise surrounding Kim Ji Young. Before Broadcasting, Kim Ji Young was suspected of appearing on the program with a doctor boyfriend, and the production team said, "It is not true at all. There is no one in the cast member who is in a relationship with reason. "The controversies seemed to disappear, but after the first Broadcasting, the suspicion of lying was resurfaced. In the first broadcast, Kim Ji Young said, "When I drink alcohol, I do not drink well because it is too hard the next day." Wheat flour also has hives and can not eat it. " However, Kim Ji Young has been reported to have made statements such as "I am a bread lover" and "my favorite food is a hamburger" in the past SNS, and it is argued that he is lying. So, netizen A is an acquaintance of Kim Ji Young, and Kim Ji Young is troubled when he eats Wheat flour, but he likes Wheat flour enough to eat Wheat flour food. Heart Signal' is a cast member-related controversies. season1 was shocked to hear that Kang Sung-wook committed a sexual assault crime in August 2017 when "Heart Signal" was in full swing, and was sentenced to five years in prison in July 2019, and Seo Ju-won is also suffering from adultery controversies. In season 2, Hyun Woo received a fine of 10 million won for the third drunk driving. season 3 was caught up in the controversies of Cheonan and Lee Sang - heon 's school violence, and Kim Kang - yeol and Im Han - jung were also rumored. Seo Min-jae has recently been subjected to a warrant review on charges of administering Nam Tae-hyun and methamphetamine from Winner. The crew said that season4 received a record of the cast members' life records and confirmed it, but the ambitious core members have already been caught up in various scandals and are in a difficult situation. In fact, the first Broadcasting TV viewer ratings were only 0.518%, recording the lowest TV viewer ratings in all episodes of the previous Heart Signal' series. It is noteworthy whether Kim Ji Young will be the first to catch the ankle of Heart Signal'.