Kang Hyung-wook gave up Pet training. On May 1, KBS 2TV Dogs Are Incredible' introduced the story of Pet Hoppang, who shows aggression. On this day, Kang Hyung-wook faced Hoppang, who bites the owner's family's face and reveals aggression to other puppies. There were also young children and Grandma's Boy in one house, and Hoppang's occasional nibbles had already led to several accidents. Grandma's Boy said that she, her husband, and her daughter's in-laws wanted Pet's euthanasia, adding, "This is the third time this year. I must have been surprised when my granddaughter was bitten and her blood was running." Hoppang's direct Guardian, daughter and mother, had also been bitten on the face, he said, "It was so bad that I could not see well." Since then, he has been bitten by his hand and said, "I have my flesh on my teeth." However, when Hoppang did not bite, Hoppang was more charming and affectionate than anyone else. "The owner could not easily give up Hoppang. Kang Hyung-wook had a serious face, saying, "The US is euthanasia natural, and it is hard to see dogs attacking people, so there is controversy among a trainee. I can not make a decision about the solution easily, saying, "Can I train such a child and coexist with my partner? Is that right?" Kang Hyung-wook said, "If you make bread and make it wrong, you can eat it or throw it away. But if you make a mistake during surgery, people can die. The extent and scope of mistakes are different. "I'm worried about whether it's right to give hope. If I give hope on the air, it's over, but they live in that environment," he said. Kang Hyung-wook, who entered the house, immediately overpowered Hoppang, but he could not speak easily to the Guardians and declared his training abandonment. "If a family member is bitten by a child, it is a serious situation. I am a trainee and I have a lot of dogs, but I do not like dogs. First, the safety of my mother and children comes first. This child will not be able to control the moment in the future. " Kang Hyung-wook said, "Even if it is education, it is education only for one person, and behavior does not change. But my son is going to bite, "he said." If the Guardian presses and controls, he will do what he has been pressured by his children. "He was born not to be bad, but to be unable to control. I was born with sociality, "the Guardian shed tears. Kang Hyung-wook said, "I hate raising a family in Madang, but this child can move to a house where Madang is and train very slowly. But here we can not do a solution. This is not fa yang. I told him that I had fa yang. If I swear, I will eat it. "He said he should send Hoppang to a place other than the present environment. Kang Hyung-wook, Lee Kyung-gyu, and Pak Se-ri were all in place, and Hoppang was encouraged to move to separation and consignment. The owner also struggled with his relatives in Anmyeondo. However, due to unfavorable circumstances at the end of the broadcast, Hoppang still stayed with his family. "The owner did his best to change the environment and tried to live together. Meanwhile, Dogs Are Incredible' is a program to think about how Pet and people live happily together to create a mature companion animal culture.