Shin Jung-hwan broadcasted "Love Live!" On FlexTV on the 11th. He started broadcasting "Love Live!" On the Digital marketing broadcasting platform on the 9th and broadcasted for 3 consecutive days. On this day, Shin Jung-hwan greeted acquaintance, saying, "There is only one person who calls me 'youngest.' My brother in Vietnam," when a viewer calling his nickname greeted him. He said, "There is a man who gave me the name 'Dengue virus'. He knows my brother in Vietnam. 'Dengue virus' is not my drip. There is a brother who told me this." Shin Jung-hwan said, "I'll talk to him on the phone soon and tell him the story. There is an original author (of 'Dengue virus'). He felt very sorry for me, too." He promised to contact the acquaintance, "Dengue virus original author," again saying, "I will call for the first time in 13 years." Shin Jung-hwan also said, "I do not remember, but I said that I broadcasted with Son Yeon-jae." He also showed a video of "Shin Jung-hwan's manners" in YouTube video. In the video that edited KBS 2TV entertainment 'Happy Sunday - Girls Six', Son Yeon-jae, who was preparing a rhythmic gymnast during elementary school, showed Limbo and Shin Jung-hwan adjusting his height with his hand. Shin Jung-hwan said, "I will do my best to become a legend so that I can draw a stroke in Digital marketing broadcasting." Meanwhile, Shin Jung-hwan was sentenced to eight months in prison for being arrested on charges of gambling overseas in 2010. He said he was unable to return home because he was hospitalized because he was caught in an epidemic "Dengue virus" in the Philippines to hide his overseas gambling facts.