Yeom Kyung-hwan said he is living with For adults, not his wife. sbs 'Same Bed, Different Dreams 22 - You Are My Destiny' broadcast on the 27th revealed that Yong Kyung-hwan is living with For adults, not his wife. "This is the first time I'm going public. I'm not living with my wife. She's nicer, more comfortable, and always on my side. This is the first time I'm going public," Yeom said. Someone was cooking in The Kitchen while Yeom Kyung-hwan hadn't woken up yet. MCs mentioned caregivers, housekeepers, etc. Joe Hye-ryun, who came out as a special MC, said, "Same Bed, Different Dreams 2" with my aunt? When he woke up, he went to The Kitchen and said, "Try it, it's fresh, I'm selling it." The person who wrote the honorific name was a gray-haired gentleman, but it turned out to be For adults. Yong Kyung-hwan surprised everyone by telling him that he had been living with For adults for two years. Photo=sbs broadcast screen