"Composition Kevin Oh, lyricist Gong Hyo-jin." A genuine and beautiful love story of two people was born as a song. Kevin Oh's first full-length album "Pissis OnlyOneOf_(Pieces of _)" double title track and pre-released single "You and I Are Sleeping Dawn" was released on various online music sites on the 12th. This song was composed by Kevin Oh, and his wife, Actor Gong Hyo-jin, participated in the lyrics and brought up a big topic before the release. It is a song filled with the solid wind of two people who keep their love with a stronger faith through each other's eyes, though they are afraid that the deeper the love becomes, the more they will disappear. Kevin Oh, who plays guitar and sings in a warm atmosphere of soft lighting, stimulates excitement. Especially, "I think we are only two in the world." "I wonder if I can erase me. I have a blackness that is filled with unnecessary worries. I write love on your two cheeks that shine on the night." Gong Hyo-jin, who participated in the lyrics, said after the release of the song, "It is so strange and strange." One long winter night, I feel like I have two nights. I am glad to be made with beautiful songs. " In addition to Kevin Oh's first regular 'Fissis OnlyOneOf_', there will be a variety of styles, moods and songs in addition to 'You and I Sleep Dawn', which contains the eternal love of two people. It is anticipated that Kevin Oh will be able to get a glimpse of his broad musical capabilities through his first regular session to take out the stories he has recorded for a long time and the feelings he has kept. Meanwhile, Kevin Oh's first full-length album, 'Fissis OnlyOneOf_', will be released on various online music sites at 6 pm on the 15th. Photos: Album jackets, personal channels, DB