Koo Jun Yup, a clone, gathered with the family of Seo Hee-won (Xu Shiyuan). On the 3rd, China Entertainment Media Sina Entertainment reported that Seo Hee-won met with family members of Lee Jin-hyuk, a famous Taiwanese producer, along with her husband Koo Jun Yup, her brother Seo Hee-je and her mother. Lin Feichin, the wife of Wang Jin-hyuk, posted a photo and said, "Every atmosphere is warm. I believe in love and love is proven." Koo Jun Yup, Seo Hee Won, Seo Hee Jae, and the sister's mother, Lee Jin-hyuk and Lin Fei Chin, and their daughter posed together in the public photos. The images of those full of happy smiles add to the warmth. Earlier, Koo Jun Yup and Seo Hee-won were spotted having a meeting with their acquaintances, and recently in China Online Community, they raised rumors of pregnancy, saying Seo Hee-won was dressed comfortably in an oversized outfit and looked fat. Seo Hee-won's pregnancy was reported in August, when local media reported that Seo Hee-won and Koo Jun Yup were in their second month of pregnancy. "My daughter's health is the most important thing." Seo Hee-won was born in 1976 and is 46 years old. Meanwhile, two people who reported marriage in March recently said in an interview with a fashion magazine, "The goal is to build a happy family." Photos: Lin Feichin, Community, Koo Jun Yup