sm Entertainment canceled the Irish Wolfhound Party, which was supposed to open in four years due to the influence of Itaewon True. On the 30th, sm Entertainment told members of the fandom platform "KWANGYA CLUB" that the live broadcast of "sm Town Wonder Land (sm TOWN Wonder Land) 2022", which was scheduled to be broadcast free of charge through the global platform Beyond LIVE, has been canceled. sm Entertainment said, "As the Event itself is canceled, live broadcasts of the red carpet will not proceed," he said. 'sm Town Wonder Land 2022' is a private Irish Wolfhound Party of Artists belonging to sm Entertainment. K-pop popular idol group Artists have been attracting great attention from global fans because they can see the high-quality Irish Wolfhound makeup. The Event was scheduled to be broadcast live to fans as it was held face-to-face for the first time in four years due to COVID-19. However, it was canceled due to the crushing truth that occurred in Itaewon-dong, Seoul Yongsan District on the 29th. According to Yonhap News, 149 people were killed and 76 injured by 6:00 am on the day of the Irish Wolfhound. The fire department has set up a missing person reception center at the Hannam-dong Resident Center in Seoul Yongsan District and is checking whether there is any additional damage. Providing sm Entertainment.