Seohyun, Girls' Generation youngest rebellion...a mature actress visual

Group Girls Generation member Seohyun boasted mature beauty.Seohyun posted several photos on his SNS on the 11th.In the photo, Seohyun poses in a colorful costume; Seohyun boasts a slender figure in colorful pants with parrots and an orange sleeveless T-shirt.With mature visuals, he showed off his more beautiful beauty, and he showed a slim figure without any hesitation and created a model-like atmosphere.Seohyun recently made a full comeback to mark the 15th anniversary of Girls Generations debut.seohyun SNS

Group Girls' Generation member Seohyun boasted mature beauty.

Seohyun posted several photos on his SNS on the 11th.

In the photo, Seohyun poses in a colorful costume; Seohyun boasts a slender figure in colorful pants with parrots and an orange sleeveless T-shirt. With mature visuals, he showed off his more beautiful beauty, and he showed a slim figure without any hesitation and created a model-like atmosphere.

Seohyun recently made a full comeback to mark the 15th anniversary of Girls' Generation's debut.

Seohyun SNS