Jean So-min "Drives instead of Ex-BodyFriend, Ada Lovelacechin Car...Been in the Heart for Over 10 Years" (Running Man)

Actor Jean So-min mentioned his experience fighting a man Friend 10 years ago.
SBS 'Running Man' Running Mon Race, which was broadcast on May 1, was the first Mission to discuss love.
The love debate is a topic that you can exchange opinions and then use a panel of opinions.
The first topic was 'It's okay to have a lover who has been secretly meeting with my Friend for the first anniversary event for me for a month.' "I think I can understand it because it was for the woman Friend," said Wooseok, who then said, "It's nice. I am confident because I am good. "
Yoo Jae-Suk took an example as a main item and asked again, "Do not get a chance. Nam Joo-hyuk suddenly came out and said, 'I prepared for a month.' Still, Wooseok replied, "But it's (fine)," and Haha was surprised, saying, "Self-esteem is Sene."
When Friend said that he was Nam Ju-hyuk, Joo-jae laughed and laughed, saying, "Stop talking about Nam Ju-hyuk." If you rehearse for a month, you will be immersed. "
At the end of the crew asking them to present a situation that could be disputed directly, Jean So-min said, "Can I actually do it? I have Baro to remind you, I fought a lot in the old days because of this."
Jean So-min said, "The man Friend is playing with several Friends, including Ada Lovelacechin, and he comes to pick me up in Ada Lovelacechin. I saw Friend twice, so I said it was okay. At that time, my house was Sangam and the Friend house was Ilsan, and the man dropped me off and said that the man Friend was going well. Then the man Friend drove, and Ada Lovelacechin moved to the passenger seat. "
"I was so angry, but I put up with it. I told him I was in a bad mood, and I wanted to stop by the office because I had something to get from Ada Lovelacechin, and I just wanted to drive the car. I asked why I changed my seat and I did not understand me. "
Ji Suk-jin said, "It's not enough to break up?" And Jean So-min said, "It's been over 10 years and I still have it in my heart."