'All The Butlers' Kim Je-dong, Devotion Facts Reveal Surprise Camera yu hun-jun "Space Makes a Relationship"

Kim Je-dong, the comedian who pronouns loneliness, was surprised to reveal his love affair, but it turned out that Kim Je-dong's Candid Camera was.
In SBS 'All The Butlers' broadcasted on the 1st, architect Yu hun-jun appeared as master and explained his own architectural philosophy of individual space and Xiao Tong. He then showed it in the actual architectural space through consultation with his actual building and the owner who asked for remodeling.
On this day, yu hun-jun prepared for the architectural consultation of client K, who is preparing for the honeymoon. Yu hun-jun, who was looking around the client's House, said, "This is loneliness itself. It's a pronoun of loneliness," he said, saying he would know the client.
Soon after, the client was Kim Je-dong. Kim Je-dong said, "I am about the level of marriage to others to disclose GFriend." Yang Se-heeong was surprised: "If you didn't even get a knight, is it your first public release?" The disciples were delighted with the good news of Kim Je-dong, a synonym for loneliness.
Yu hun-jun, who has a personal relationship with Kim Je-dong, said, "Hm? Did we eat together? I just noticed it, "he said, showing off the same Murder and She Wrote power as Sherlock.
Kim Je-dong sent a video letter to GFriend, saying, "I waited a long time, and Hyun Joon talked to my brother and made some space. I will not listen to any architect in the world without you because it is a space for you. "
Kim Je-dong then revealed that he was Candid Camera, saying, "Let's meet and talk again, I do not know where I live now, I do not know my name." Eun Ji-won said, "Is not it crazy? ", and Lee Seung-gi also said," Do you see the truth in a while? "
Kim Je-dong said, "At first I tried to finish it once or twice, but I was so happy and I was so excited that I missed the timing and came here." Then he laughed at Sherlock 's Yu hun - jun' s sham Murder, She Wrote, saying, "Why did not you laugh at me?"
Yu hun-jun said, "I have not formulated yet, but I have to doubt it."
yu hyun-jun looked around Kim Je-dong's House and suggested removing the chin heading to the yard to create a House where love sprouts, and planting a large tree to create a space of love. But Kim Je-dong laughed, insisting that he could not give up his dilapidation, leek, and flower lettuce until the end.
yu hyun-jun last summed up the contents of the two-part lecture: "Space makes relationships between people. You can make relationships good, or you can make them bad," he explained, adding, "when you create a city space, you can go to a space where this society can harmonize. If you think about what space will help our group, you can make a much happier House. "
Meanwhile, architect Yu hun-jun unveiled the House 'Maru House', which received the architectural culture Grand Prize in 2021. The Maru House had condensed all the architectural philosophy of yu hun-jun.
"It'll only look white outside," he said, after which he said, "when we take a picture, we mount it in white when we frame it. The life I want to put in the House is the main character, and I put a frame white mounting around it.
The Maru House also embodied an architectural philosophy called the individual space, the appropriate distance, and the Xiao Tong between the family.
"The biggest feature of this House is that each room has a balcony, it's important to have a proper distance between family members," yu hyun-jun said. He said, "If you have each room, you can stay private and look at each other when you come out."
yu hyun-jun implemented a philosophy called Xiao Tong by putting Facing Windows throughout the House while implementing personal space. Looking around the third floor, Yang Se-heeong was surprised that "there is a white tree in the House." On top of the white wood bath, Facing Windows was attached to allow nature and Xiao Tong.
Kim Dong-Hyun, who saw this, said, "I really want to live hard, I have to play again." Lee Seung-gi asked, "Do you have the will to fight again?" Kim Dong-Hyun laughed, saying, "If you look at this, you can fight no matter how strong your opponent comes, you have to live hard from today."
PhotosSBS screen capture