For the 'capitalist school' yun hoo, compliance, praise, and praise were united.
In KBS 2TV entertainment program capitalist school, which will be broadcast on the afternoon of the 24th, the survival period of capitalism of yun hoo, late Shin Hae-cheol's daughter Ha Yeon-son Dongwon brother and sister, Hyoun Joo-yup son Junhee-Junwook brother will follow. Among them, long-time Friends are out to help the first India life of young hoo, a freshman.
In a recent recording, yun hoo called in the support group ahead of his first India life. Friend, who arrived for the first time, is the son of actor Lee Jong Hyuk, who took an entertainment program together as a child. The compliance, which is one year old difference from the young hoo, was already in the third grade of junior high school. But Aunt Lanson - I am expecting that the eyes that melted the uncle's heart were the same.
Subsequently, the compliance competed with the Yoon Min Soo - yun hoo, arm wrestling and thigh wrestling. At this time, the 40-year-old Yoon Min Soo said that he had set up a blood band on his neck and was sincere in the confrontation with the observance. The 16-year-old compliance also said that he did his best by putting in the match, and the result of this confrontation is curious.
In addition, compliance surprised everyone because they had more interest in India than the Yoon Min Soo - yun hoo rich. It ran a personal broadcasting channel and made profits, as well as winning the fifth place in a mock stock competition. yun hoo, who had appeared as a guest on the personal broadcasting of the observance, said that he asked for the payment late and embarrassed the observance.
In addition, the young hoo's house also came to the actor Ryu Jin's son, Chan-hyung - Chan-ho, who had to be measured from the height as soon as Chan-hyung and Chan-ho arrived. At this time, yun hoo, who measured the actual key of Chan Hyung Lee, who seemed to be bigger than himself at a glance, said that he spit out a word of frustration. How long did the children I met in a long time grow up, and what was the last word of yun hoo who tasted humiliation because of his height? I am looking forward to the 'capitalist school' broadcast where all of this will be released.
The recent storm growth of young hoo and Friends can be found at 'capitalist school' broadcasted at 9:20 pm on the 24th.
KBS Provision