"It's so much the same as the late Shin Hae-cheol's daughter, Father..."capitalist school" regular organization yun hoo input

KBS2 entertainment 'capitalist school' returns to regular organization.
A production presentation for 'capitalist school' was broadcast live online on Friday. The event was attended by Jin-kyeong Hong, Defconn, Yoon Min Soo, Hyun Joo-yup and Choi Seung-bum PD.
The 'capitalist school', which was broadcasted as Pilot last year, is a new concept India observation entertainment that observes the extraordinary life of people living in the era where India education is essential, informs the survival of capitalism, and even donates the proceeds from it.
Choi Seung-beom, a producer, said, "It is a program to teach real India study to teenage Korean children. Adults do not talk about how to eat and live while teaching. When I become an adult and get paid in my bankbook, I do not know how to manage this mOney, but my children started with the intention not to do this. "
Jin-kyeong Hong also played MC in regular formation following Pilot. Jin-kyeong Hong said, "There are many observational performances of entertainers' families, and it seems that the educational part of India is added to it." "If my child sees the entertainment in front of the TV, I think I will try to play the program with the educational part."
Pilot The daughter of the late Shin Hae-cheol and her son One, who gathered a big topic at the time, are also students. Jin-kyeong Hong recalled, "At the time of Pilot, Shin Hae-cheol's daughter was so impressed because she was just like Father. The power of the gene was amazing.
Jin-kyeong Hong explained the difference after 'capitalist school': "I give my allowance correctly and I don't spend mOney other than that. When you eat out, you tell me to pay for your rice. I received the mOney without a yall, I took my wallet, took my change, and collected coins. "
"If you receive pocket mOney from your grandmother and grandFather, you will manage your daughter's stock with that mOney."
Defconn joined Manhakdo, who wanted to learn India, saying: "EveryOne is calmer than you think, so there's a lot of audio, I'm playing a role in filling up the audio."
Defconn, who has been burned a lot by stocks, said of financial technology these days: "I don't have the mOney to do that now. "I bought a lot of things before, and now I have to sell something. These parts are catching me a lot," he said.
Father Yoon Min Soo of freshman yun hoo said, "yun hoo was only old with the Indian concept of 'Where is Father' in 2013. When I received the mOney, I put it in my pocket without grounding, and I do not use my wallet. I was worried that it was too serious, and I was so horrified because the purpose was so right. "
"I do not have frequent meetings because my young hoo is adolescence, but I am glad that I will be broadcasting together if I get away."
"I watched the video after the yun hoo came in, and I thought it would not be easy to win because I had a lot of talent after that," said Junhee, who won the Pilot broadcast.
As for the point of observation, Choi said, "It is an observation program, so we will be familiar and familiar. But we talk about mOney. We will get useful tips." Jin-kyeong Hong said, "Not only children, but adults who can not manage mOney can come out, and they can expand variously, such as listening to know-how from adults who earn a lot of mOney." Defconn asked, "I would like to ask you to warmly respond to the children so that they will not be hurt."
'capitalist school' will be broadcasted at 9:20 pm on April 17th.