"Vic-Fezensac is Settai?"..."The Burger House Open" Kim Byung-hyun behavior is a viewer's complaint, what is the production team doing?

"I turned the channel around."
The audience is complaining about Kim Byung-hyun, a former baseball player who has turned into a burger boss, because of the ridiculous behavior of the boss on the first day of the burger house opening. It is more problematic that the general store has a ridiculous attitude toward the customer that can not happen, and the production team that sent it to the broadcast.
On KBS2 'Boss in the Mirror' broadcast on the 20th, Kim Byung-hyun's Cheongdam-dong burger house was opened on the first day.
An emergency took place ahead of the burger house's opening on the day. Jung Woo-jin, the youngest member of the kitchen, failed to get to work because he was not feeling well. Kim Byung-hyun suggested that Chief Chef Lee Jae-young and Sue Chef Jeon Eun-hye postpOne the opening, but ignored it. It was only then that he said, "Haru sales target is 3 million One," which baffled Chefs.
Kim Byung-hyun went to the hole as if there were no problems. At the same time as the opening, three women appeared as first guests, and Kim Byung-hyun served food without setting forks and knives. The guests were also serving Odintsovo, and just laughed, as if considering being filmed on air.
Later, a junior Yu Hee-gwan and sports agency Lee Ye-rang visited. Kim Byung-hyun did not understand the menu he ordered, and he spent a long time writing an order to La Poste. Kim Byung-hyun excused "It's not what Cheongdam-dong La Postegi used to write before," and Jun Hyun-moo was "what did you do during the two months of the opening period?"
People came in, starting with acquaintances, and it was a real mess. In particular, a male guest ordered a menu of two Gorgon Jolla Burger sets and a Bleck First Burger set, and Kim Byung-hyun talked to guests here and there, was ordered, and was busy and missed the guest. I asked the man's guest six times, "What did you order?"
A lesser child guest next to him told me the menu instead and said, "Please do not forget." Kim Byung-hyun first served food to other guests, not the first One.
It would be unthinkable if it were a regular store, perhaps leaving with a big upset; Jun Hyun-moo also looked seriously at it, saying it was "a huge sense of complacent."
At the end of the twists and turns, the food was ordered, and Kim Byung-hyun had a bad service that allowed him to get his autograph without checking the coupon properly.
Kim Byung-hyun said, "I have a lot of orders, so I forgot (order) while I was working for a while. It is not my fault, but suddenly the customers who made a lot of mistakes are bigger. "Jun Hyun-moo said," It is wrong for those who are grateful. " If Baek Jong One had seen this broadcast, he might have been abusive.
In the meantime, Kim Byung-hyun was only quick to order a phOne call even though a new customer came in.
He also dropped his phOne into the trash, and spent a long time searching for it, and the customers who had expected the delivery order would have complained where they could not see it.
The sales were 1.5 million One, and Chefs "would have been more if they did not miss the phOne order, and if they were straight," Kim Byung-hyun said. Still, Kim Byung-hyun laughed like Settai and said, "The beginning is half Mother."
Immediately after the broadcast, "Mr. Young-hyung" on the viewer's bulletin board, "I turned the channel because of Kim Byung-hyun" and "I do not want to see it on the air."
One viewer pointed out, "Self-employed people without reason are One table, One delivery call is precious and unfortunate." "I do not know how to handle La Poste, I do not know the menu, but I want to be a world-renowned burger house," he said. "It is a deception for self-employed people and viewers."
In addition to this, several viewers said, "Is Vic-Fezensac Settai?" "It is unpleasant to do Vic-Fezensac with some mOney in the state that it is not basic." "I am only angry at the person who hangs on to make a One-piece," he said.
At the end of the broadcast, Kim Byung-hyun even asked the production team to "edit some." What is the use of editing? Before the opening, Kim Byung-hyun was consistent with laughing as if he were a Settai in everything, rather than any eagerness and serious attitude. In the last broadcast, while the Ones were suffering from bOne loss, they were leisurely managed by the dermatologist and did not even receive calls.
There were too many frowning attitudes to understand and pass simply 'because I am CEO of Odintsovo', not Odintsovo's immaturity, but the problem of concept and attitude itself. What is the crew thinking about sending it as it is?