Actor Kim Min-kyo was given The Judgment of the Probation of the Coffers in connection with the accident that killed his Pet by biting Grandma's Boy in his 80s. With the theory of strengthening the responsibility for the ordering, the necessity of revising the law is gradually increasing.
According to the legal system on the 23rd, the 6th detective of Seongnam support in Suwon District Court (Park Sang-han) Judgmented Kim Min-kyo, who was indicted on July 2 last year on charges of manslaughter, for eight months of safe and two years of Probation.
Judge Park Sang-han said in a written statement, "Innocent Defendant violated his obligation to manage the dogs by paying special attention to prevent dogs from harming people even though he had been bitten by his neighbors in the past. In the end, there is a serious result that a person dies, and the guilt is not light. "
"I took into account the fact that Innocent Defendant confessed to the crime and deeply reflected on it, agreed with the Victims of Victims, entrusted the dog to the Pet Training Center to prevent recurrence, and there was no penalty exceeding the fine," he said. The ruling was confirmed without Kim Min-kyo and the prosecution both appealing.
The incident occurred on May 4, 2020. Grandma's Boy, who was working in the garden of Gwangju city in Gyeonggi province at the time, was attacked by two large dogs that were released without a leash. Victims later underwent several operations but failed to recover and died of pulmonary embolism following femoral artery damage.
At the time, Kim Min-kyo said, "I will take responsibility as a tour with an apology." For the dogs that caused the accident, I am planning to educate, entrust, and take more necessary measures. In the future, we will be careful not to cause accidents through more thorough Pet education and management as a tour. "
As Kim Min-kyo's fine was announced, there is a growing voice that he should hurry to improve related regulations and seek ways to raise safety awareness about the owner.
The number of dog bites is so severe that more than 2,000 cases occur each year. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Livestock Food and Drug Administration announced last month the amendment to the Enforcement Regulations of the Animal Protection Act, but the vague safety measures such as '2m long neck length' and 'handle holding' added to the confusion of companion animal guardians.
In particular, there has been no change in the content of the "duty to wear a mouth cap." Of the 2.33 million registered Pets, only five dogs, including lottweilers and pit bull terriers, are applied. Beljian Schiffdog of Kim Min-kyo, who caused the accident, is also not classified as a name-and-neck. In 2018, the government pushed for an increase, but it was canceled by animal protection groups.
"I do not feel sorry for Victims that I did not euthanize the dog that killed a person." "When I grow up, I am a family, but there are many companions who treat it as a dog. "The dog owner should live at least a prison sentence," he said.
I hope that realistic measures will be prepared to raise awareness about the accident of the dog as soon as possible and to encourage voluntary participation of the companions.