Lim Young-woong Heroics Changwon station, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Tech Wooljin Forest Fire Support Donations Delivered

Lim Young-woong Heroic Changwon station delivered Daegu Gyengbuk Institute of Science and Tech Uljin Forest Resources Memorial to the Yangsan Red Cross
The Korean Red Cross Yangsan branch (Chairman Kim Jong-gil) received a donation of 5 million won and 1 million won worth of bottled water from Changwon station in the era of Singer Lim Young-woong heroics to support the restoration of forest fires in Uljin.
The heroic era Changwon station is a Lim Young-woong fan club in Changwon station, where 34 members are active. It is a meaningful sharing for Uljin forest fire support.
Lim Young-woong has been warmly conveyed throughout society through steady donations and good deeds. Based on the good influence of Lim Young-woong, fan club members voluntarily practice service and sharing and warm up the surroundings.
“It’s not a big sum, but I’ve come to join the donation,” the fan club said. I hope that all the victims who have been damaged by the restoration of the forest fire will return to their daily lives as soon as possible. "
On the other hand, the heroic era Changwon station donated 5 million won to the fruit of love on January 4 last year, and on August 19 of that year, donated 5 million won to the Korean Red Cross Yangsan branch to support the snacks of medical staff.
heroic era changewon station