Seoul:) = Broadcaster Boom (real name Lee Min-ho) announced the news of the marriage directly to fans.
Boom released a hand letter to announce the marriage news through his fan cafe on the 10th.
Boom, who was born in 1981, said in this letter, "17 Sarah made his debut at a young age and ran hard in front of him. He has already been at forty-One years old since he made his debut."
"That Boom will marry in the warm spring on April 9," he said. "We have met a precious relationship to respect each other for the rest of our lives and have made a family with faith and love."
He also said, "Boom always had a dream of building a happy family in his mind." "I am going to show a happy couple who can share love with me in the future because it is a marriage at a late age, and a good husband who can take care of my family and wife." I promised.
Finally, he said, "I will be a Boom who can always smile at you with a humble attitude, always in the heart of the love you have given me." "I would like to ask you a lot of blessings and One."
My strong presence.
Boom, my boy, is a genius.
Thank You so much for always being so affectionate to me! I was not able to talk because I lacked a lot of expression, but it is a great strength because there are people. Thank You so much and Thank You.
17 Sarah made his debut at a young age and ran hard in front of me, so I was forty-One years old after 24 years of debut. I feel that these days are like the best.
So I am broadcasting with my precious heart every day, and through that broadcast I am happy to you with my own energy, and I am also happy with your love and I am spending so much Thank You every day.
I have the first story I want to give to you so precious today. I have heard the pen.
That Boom is getting married in the warm spring on April 9.
I have met a precious relationship that I will respect and share my life with each other and have a family of faith and love. Will you please and celebrate me with a beautiful heart?
Boom always had a dream of a happy family in his mind. As it is a marriage at a late age, I will show you the happy couple who can share love with you in the future, and a good husband who can take care of and hug your family and wife. You're shaking a lot.
I will be a Boom who will always be able to smile at you with a humble attitude, always in the heart of your love.
Thank You for always thanking me. You're always happy and well at your turn of year. Boom will be good.