SHINee is it? Key X Minho, Real Intoxication The Big Hangover Revealed "Fuck in My Life" (I live Alone)

In I live Alone, the day after the real heavy drinking of SHINee '91s' key and Minho was captured.
MBC 'I live Alone', which will be broadcasted at 11 pm on February 18, will reveal the day after the overdrinking of SHINee key and Minho.
SHINee Key and Minho boast a record-high Kemi in 'I live Alone'. Last week, two people at the end of the broadcast, '91s, I like it because it's different' was predicted, and the explosive number of views was recorded, and the SNS was hot. Although they have been working together for 15 years, they are attracted to the daily life of two people who have gained the nickname '91s' by showing the same drama and drama Kemi.
Key, along with a stranger Minho (?) on the sofa, steals his gaze for the morning, and the two appear as Sulton Face, which makes him guess the alcohol rush last night, causing a laugh. The swollen face, as well as the rushing Big Hangover, "Do not talk to me," and the appearance of not being able to get rid of the name is going to aim at the consensus of viewers.
Especially, the real drunken scene of the key is caught and it predicts the laughing bomb of the past class. Minho said that last night, when he was in a dizzying mood, he announced the beginning of a tough day by playing the vertical direct cam of the off-shoulder key, which was taken directly from the first row of the intoxication scene, causing a quilt kick.
"I want to find a flaw in my life," said Kee, at Minho's unending attack. Minho is not clean, "he said, and will laugh at the revelation based on 100% fact that only the chunchin can do. Especially, it is said that his loopholes, which always seemed to be a rainbow housekeeper, were revealed by Minho.
The mouth that is out of control of 15 years old Minho is expected to hold honey jam by singing the extreme of height. Taemin, Taeyeon, followed by Gian 84 and Oh Soon-do, who showed elegant meals, collapsed in front of Minho. The key, which has not won the anger, is holding the refrigerator and head banging, and it is curious to see a big party such as a spring on the bed.