"But the time and space can shrink today that you're prepared to stand by. This is the fourth, fifth dimension... Ko Cha-won." Park Na-rae introduced this character in MBC entertainment <I live Alone> actor Ju-seung Lee. Tea in the garden, who appeared last week, told the key reference to "King of the End of the Test of Anti-horsepower on SNS," that Park Na-rae was the owner of the Ko Cha-won horsepower with a trailer.
Anti-horsepower means "the ability to show how much you can endure when you see the situation where your hands and feet are shrinking." It is often used as "withheld anti-horsepower". It means 'I feel like I can not see it anymore'. What kind of Ju-seung Lee looked like, so Park Na-rae wrote the expression Ko Cha-won enough to shrink time and space.
Ju-seung Lee showed a scene where his hands and feet shrank just by exercising on the rooftop in the morning. As Kian84 mentioned as "the posture of the martial arts", he showed the practice of taking out the nunchucks as well as the sewing in the Hyodor exercise method. Somewhere, the little boys' hitting-the-hit-the-money-show-and-snap-and-snap-and-snap-and-snap-and-snap-and-snap-and-snap-and-snap-and-snap-and-snap ), as if it were nothing, and in a serious manner, Ju-seung Lee gave a smile to the 'anti-horsepower'.
Ju-seung Lee, who is in the winter for the first time after The Trace, is on the terrace and is ready for wintering to wrap the terrace with vinyl to solve the problem of the boiler. He reduced the length to drop the vinyl from the rooftop, and he made the performers of the studio who watched it together with his own "coldery" that he watched whenever there were no people on his way to buy the vinyl. Kian84 expressed a sense of crisis, saying, "I have become too ordinary," seeing Ju-seung Lee, who seems to be seriously practicing it as a "grass law" like a child running like a child.
The process of buying vinyl and wrapping it around the terrace was not a mess, but Ju-seung Lee said that the vinyl had a surprisingly cool effect and that the boiler had never frozen since. Since then, his strange but serious everyday aspects have continued. He had a strange sight of cutting the top with scissors, fearing that his underwear might be overwhelmed during the filming, and Ju-seung Lee, who used to take out a smokey frying pan out of the window when the ventilator broke down and cooked, also broke one part of the fan filter, wiping the scorching time of the ventilator filter, as Key advised. But when I cooked it myself, it worked and I checked that the ventilation machine worked properly.
In other words, what Ju-seung Lee shows is that he is not a good at somewhere as a new artist in The Trace life, but he is still experiencing his own experiences. It seems like a scene that calls it "anti-horsepower" because it is too serious, but it brings out the real reality of life that I live Alone pursued in the early days in that it is what the steamed The Trace students experience. Ju-seung Lee's anti-horsepower is the reason why he created a special smile and empathy.
Was once criticized for losing its initials to 'their own world' by capturing the appearance of wealthy rainbow members. Is that why I was moving away from the "living alone" of real ordinary people? Is it a "humiliating" full of "humiliating power" (?) Steam The Trace is a pleasure to see the original appearance of <I live Alone>. Of course, with the consensus of living alone, I can not miss the laughter that comes from the optimistic life.