Evil community Chan Hyuk, selfie + sleepwear photo ball... 'Brother and Sister' Claudia Kim "Give me my pants"

Chan Hyuk posted photos on his instagram on the afternoon of the 3rd with an article called "lovely".
In the open photo, Chan Hyuk is taking a mirror selfie with a look like he just woke up from sleep. Claudia Kim, who saw his pajama pants released along with this, commented, "What are your pants?" And showed 'Real Brother and Sister'.
Lee Chan-hyuk, who was born in 1996 and is 26 years old, is working as a brother Lee Soo-hyun and Evil community. He has resumed his activities for a long time by releasing the collaboration album 'NEXT EPISODE' last July.
'Showtime Money 10' Mud the Student's semi-final song 'Incongruity' featured with his brother Claudia Kim and showed off a tremendous ripple power.
Photo: Chan Hyuk Instagram