What is the most important thing about asking for forgiveness? Timing. Too late or too late. Finding the correct timing is the first, the second to acknowledge the mistake, and the third to act on responsibility; only these three apology can be heartfeltly forgiven.
Shu (real name Yo Su-yeong), a former group S.E.S. who was accused of habitual gambling in 2019, posted a lengthy apology on social media on Wednesday. It has been four years since the controversy, but unfortunately, there were three conditions for the seeker of forgiveness in Shu's long and long apology. Not only is the timing late, but the source and starting point of the problem still seem to have not been found.
Above all, the reason why his apology feels the worst, the uncertainty of the subject toward apology, is not the fan or the people who should ask for forgiveness first. Neither are Eugene and the sea, members of the S.E.S., who were negatively affected by Shu’s departure, but they had to ask for forgiveness personally. Suga is the House of Commons of the United Kingdom tenants who lived in Shu's building, who had a long and long lawsuit with him.
The building in question is a four-story building located in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province, with a deposit of 1.56 billion won for the tenants of Suga, the owner of the building. As Suga gambling owed the tenants a long time without receiving a deposit, they rolled their feet. It is because A, an acquaintance of Shu in 2019, who was in controversy over gambling, put a pressurizing on the building, saying he does not pay his debt. Shu demanded that tenants wait on the pretext that he was not capable of paying off his debt.
The tenants were hurt again by the irresponsible attitude Suga showed: the tenants who moved into the building were mainly early-aged or newlyweds. Most of the House of Commons of the United Kingdoms, where the deposit is all about property. After the media reported their situation, Shu avoided contact with tenants without revealing any position.
The tenants eventually filed a complaint against Shu and the court handed the tenants' hands, but the situation did not change much. Suga, the owner of the building, only needs to return the deposit within 10 years, so there is no answer when you go into the stick. According to tenants' claims, the actual manager of the building was Shu's mother. In fact, when the debtors accused him of fraud, he identified his mother as a manager of the property, and submitted a list of his mother's property to the court to escape the fraud charges. It is not a fraud because it has the ability to pay off the debt through the mother.
It was different for tenants, not fraud because debtors were capable of paying back money, but they insisted on bankruptcy for tenants. As Shu claimed, he was able to return the tenants' deposits through the property of his family name, which he managed, but Shu delayed the payment. In this apology, he said he worked at a side dish shop to return deposits to tenants, sold clothes at Dongdaemun market, and worked at restaurants. That’s why Shu’s explanation looks like an excuse.
In the end, the cause of all the problems lies with him, as does Shu, who explained that the reason he started gambling in his apology was the 'fault of acquaintances'. Still, he seems to have failed to determine that the cause of the problem is entirely his own, and the apology has more expressions of Eugene and gratitude for the sea than apology for the debtor. But those who really suffered were tenants and debtors who believed in Shu and gave him money.
It is not that we can not count the pain of Shu who has been worried about extreme choices, but Shu's apology does not read the truth. His determination to live hard and do his best is cheering, but he still has not been able to identify the cause of the mistake from others and the subject to sincerely apologize. I’ve announced my new start, but I can’t help feeling that I’m at the wrong start.