'Park Gyuri' ex-boyfriend' Song Ja-ho, 12 years younger than 7...Declaration of running for National Assembly

Song Jae-ho will run for the by-election of the Seocho-gap National Assembly on March 9th.
Song has been openly devoted to Kara Park Gyuri since 2019, when she was caught drunk driving in July, saying, "I'm sorry my girlfriend is being mentioned together because of me. I do not have anything to do with this, but I would like you to see it as my fault. "After that, I was noticed for the news of the breakup in three years of public love.
"You may have been surprised to see that it is different from my age, which is somewhat known to the outside World. It was a great trouble for me that there was a Meru of Top Model because the young man was young, so I had a great difficulty in working at my original age. I have felt a great frustration and Meru in the Top Model in Korean society as a young man who has grown up in an environment that is not lacking since I was a child. I can not even imagine how much more thresholds and troubles will be in moving forward in Korean society. "
Song Ja-ho, CEO of the group, said, "Young people are not able to Top Model because of the struggle for interest and political battle of adults. I will break the window through youth policy and legislation in the hope that other young people will not suffer the difficulties and suffering I have experienced while starting a business as a young man who is suffering from the same age as you. "
Song Ja-ho, CEO of the company, established the Pica Project, an art-sharing economy company, in 2020, and successfully launched the art cryptocurrency cryptocurrency and NFT transactions for the first time in Korea. He was awarded the National Assembly Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee citation for his contribution to the development of the South Korea culture and arts industry.
Hello, South Korea's first art NFT-led sharing economy art company, Pica Project representative, and Song Ja-ho will raise their greetings for the New Year in 2022. First, I would like to thank those who came here today despite the cold weather. I wish you a happy New Year.
Before the full-scale interview, I'll introduce myself first. My statutory date of birth this year is March 30, 2000 and this year is 21 years old. I am a young man who started a StartUp company called Picca Project in February 2020, starting with curator.
My age was 20 years old at the time of my founding. Korea has a long-standing Confucianism and has a culture of age. At that time, there was a great deal of constraints and neglect because of the fact that he was young. Korea's age culture and the perception of young people's social activities were very cold in the overall atmosphere of society, and the situation that Top Model was difficult was naturally created. It was a rocky egg to decide to start StartUp in South Korea only with dreams and Top Model spirit.
You may have been surprised to see that it is different from my age, which is somewhat known to the public. It was a great grievance for me that there was a Meru of Top Model because the young man was young, so I had a great difficulty in working at my original age. Even I, who has grown up in an environment that is not lacking since I was a child, felt a great frustration and Meru in the Top Model in Korean society. I can not even imagine how much more thresholds and troubles will be in moving forward in Korean society.
Looking at the United States and France, there are a lot of entrepreneurs who have successfully started their business in their 20s, and young politicians in their 20s. But the reality of Korea is that young politicians are only 5% of the total of the National Assembly, and only a very few businessmen are.
The youth are not getting the Top Model because of the growing interest and political struggles of adults, and now we have a time-honored call for our society to produce young politicians. I will break the window through youth policy and legislation in the hope that other young people will not suffer the difficulties and suffering I have experienced while starting a business as a young man who is suffering from the same age as you.
I am proud to be running for a parliamentary seat in the Seoul Seocho area, a by-election held on March 9, 2022.
The whole family has been serving all their lives around All states, especially since childhood, when they were helping the elderly living alone and the poor through the Welfare Foundation. On weekends, I held my father's hand and provided meals to the elderly living alone.
Looking back on the way I have lived over time, the memories in Seocho were a small spring in the time I lived and the driving force of life. The old man took his hands and thanked me for the young man who did not know the English language, and now I have a sense of duty to do what they can really appreciate, to take off their hair and serve for the difficult neighbors of the community.
Everyone will have a warm Oden soup and a plate of tteokbokki in the stall that I ate as a child. I want to hold your hands now with that warm heart that anyone can experience.
I want to innovate two things: culture and education.
First, Seocho is the City of culture and arts. I want to grow into the best culture and arts City in World for the development of culture and arts industry that has grown up as a young StartUp entrepreneur.
As the precedent of BTS's upgrading of South Korea's status of culture and arts to the international stage, I will produce World-class artists to create the Korean Wave culture of Seocho based on the know-how I experienced and achieved, and will make the Seoul Arts Center more active as a representative cultural tourism destination by further activating the culture and arts center as the largest scale in Korea.
Second, we will innovate the educational problems of our young people with the future of South Korea.
Gangnam District 8 School District's academic district is the best in South Korea, and our Seocho youth can do better than anyone else. According to the Jongno Academy, the number of successful applicants for Seoul University is 35% in Gangnam District Seocho District, and the rate of passing in Gangnam District Seocho District is overwhelmingly high in both time and time. Accordingly, we will revive the on-time entrance examination and notice, and abolish the medical school (the medical school) and the law school. In addition, we will create an institutional policy that can practically support the socially vulnerable youth.
Finally, we will contribute to stabilizing the NFT market in the future by judging that it is unstable.
In December, as the election age is lowered to 18 years old, he may become a young man who will be the first candidate in the constitutional history as a candidate for the National Assembly in All states in Seocho-gap. If the first place we meet when we go to Seoul is our area, I will be the first to see the National Assembly and the young people and act as a gateway to our future generations to produce more young politicians.
I have been working through many youth organizations for many years and have heard the grievances and social difficulties of many young people. Finally, I will give a voice to the youth like us in the Top Model and to do it without being overwhelmed by existing vested interests and older generations so that we can reflect the voices of 13.5 million young people in Korea to the National Assembly. I'll take it for you. I think it's time to break the glass that's been firmly blocked. I hope that all young people, including myself, will have the courage and hope to Top Model. Thank you.
Photo: Song Ja-ho Instagram