'capitalist school' Jeongdong One unveils India life for first time
KBS 2TV 'capitalist school' will be broadcasted on the first day of the New Year holidays on the 31st. 'capitalist school' is a new concept India observation entertainment that observes the extraordinary Indian life of teenagers in the era when India education is essential, informs the capitalist Earth 2 method, and even donates the proceeds from it.
Earlier, the production team of 'capitalist school' announced the MC confirmation news of Rael's mother Hong Jin Kyung with the launch of the program. In earnest, the capitalist school, the Capitalist Earth 2 law, and the teenage cast members who will study real mOney are attracting much attention.
On the 18th, the first runner of the "capitalist school" teen was released. Mr. Trot Youngstar Jeongdong One, who is loved by both men and women of Korea. Jungdong One, an active middle school student at the age of 16 in 2022, is a Mr. Trot singer who is currently active in broadcasting. As early as India started its activities, it is a necessary performer to have a 'capitalist school', which is essential for the Capitalist Earth 2 law.
Particularly noteworthy is that the first India life of Jungdong One is revealed through 'capitalist school'. Jeongdong One, who lives alOne in Seoul away from his parents, tops Model for his first investment in stocks in 'capitalist school'. Stock investment is a high-interest investment field for teenagers these days. In this process, Jungdong One shows cute Odintsovo ants, such as small fluctuations. It is the back door that Jung Dong One, who is so bad but wants to learn his best, has a nickname of 'India Pijak'.
In addition, two of Jeongdong One's cute bottles are expected to give a big smile. Mr. Trot singer Jung Dong One's reversal 'India Pijac' appearance, Jeongdong One's first 'capitalist school' to check the life of India for the first time is curious and awaited.
Meanwhile, 'capitalist school' is a special India observational arts that all generations can sympathize with, learn and enjoy, as well as teenagers who will become India subjects, parents with teenage children, prospective parents, and investment odintsovas who do not know about India. The first broadcast on the 31st at 9:50 p.m.