Lee Byung-hun, One Week left the world on the impact of business failure...A billion debt Dummy-held Lee Byung-hun ('Entertainment Weekly')

In 'Year-round live', Actor Lee Byung-hun's reversal past was revealed.
On KBS 2TV 'Year-round live' broadcasted on the afternoon of the 3rd, 'Star who cleaned the debt of debt' chart was covered.
Lee Byung-hun, who was in sEventh place on the day, caught the eye by raising his name. His father, who had been in the construction industry in the past, suffered financial difficulties due to the expansion of his business in Vietnam. Lee Byung-hun said in an entertainment show, "My father's mOney, my mOney is not enough, and even I borrowed mOney from the surrounding area."
Lee Byung-hun's father died after One Week after collapsing in a business failure shock; the debt was left to be held by Lee Byung-hun.
Lee Byung-hun said: "I became a living person to pay my debts and did everything I could, I had also taken a robocop costume and a study paper ad. The manager came in at a nightclub Event and said, 'I will not do this.' When I asked, what did you mean? I took Gwangju and went to Busan nightclub Event. "
At the time, Lee Byung-hun had more than A billon One debt to pay back; as a result of selling out to the air, he was able to clear all debts in three years. "In a few years, I paid off my debt and bought a house on the lease," Lee Byung-hun said.