The Comedian Jang Dong-min marriages.
"Jang Dong-min will post a Wedding ceremony at Jeju Island on December 19," said Jang Dong-min's agency, Eldy Story.
The prospective bride is a non-entertainer, and specific personalities such as exact age and occupation have not been disclosed. The agency said, "I would like to ask you to understand that the preliminary bride can not tell me more because of the non-entertainer Yi Gi, which is not related to the entertainment industry."
Jang Dong-min even considered acting as a Wedding ceremony as the new Coronavirus infection (Corona 19) got worse, and eventually decided to invite only family, relatives and close acquaintance to the ceremony quietly on the 19th.
Among the celebrity colleagues, Jang Dong-min's longtime Friend and gag colleague, Yoo Se-yoon, You sang-mu, only attends. The two will celebrate Jang Dong-min, the last of the 'Ong reach lands' to be out of stock, in charge of the Wedding ceremony.
Jang Dong-min said through his agency, "I am a little embarrassed to hear the news of marriage so suddenly. I want to meet the most precious person in my life and become the husband of a family and the loving person. "
"Even though he is the eldest brother of Ong reach lands, he went to the late house, and he has been preparing for the marriage with a little Careful listening to his two brothers. After marriage, I will show you a more responsible and sincere work and beautiful life. I am grateful to all those who congratulated me. "
Jang Dong-min will be raising the Wedding ceremony at the Jeju Island home on December 19th. I did not tell you in advance because I was worried about postponing the Wedding ceremony as the Corona 19 situation got worse. But I have already talked to my parents and prepared all the preparations, so I have been preparing to quietly eat.
Wedding ceremony will invite only a few of the closest acquaintances, in addition to the two families. Among the entertainers, only Yoo Se-yoon and You sang-mu, the longtime Friend and acquaintance of Jang Dong-min, will attend, and they plan to celebrate the marriage of Jang Dong-min.
I would like to ask you to understand that Jang Dong-min's bride-to-be is not able to give details because of the non-celebrity Yi Gi, which has nothing to do with the entertainment industry.
Thank you.
"Hi, Jang Dong-min. I am a little embarrassed to hear about marriage so suddenly. I want to meet the most precious person in my life and become the husband of a family and the loving person. Even though he was the eldest brother of Ongeach lands, he went to the late house, and he had a lot of advice from his two brothers and prepared a little caring marriage. After marriage, I will show you a more responsible and sincere work and beautiful life. Thank you again to all those who congratulated me. "