"Dokkaebi" is just the beginning...Lee Dong-wook, a human joker, and life-cake breaker (Bad Anne Crazy)

TVN 'Bad Anne Crazy' Lee Dong-wook is going to shoot viewers' tastes as a unique charm character that breaks Cliché.
TVN's new gilt Drama Bad Anne Crazy (directed by Yoo Sun-dong/playplayplay by Kim Sae-bom/production studio Dragon, Mink Entertainment), which will be broadcast first on December 17 following Happyness, will unveil Lee Dong-wook's steel, which returned to the character of unique personality and bad charm on the 15th (Wednesday), and heralds its differentiation from existing Drama.
Lee Dong-wook's character in the play is a directive 'Ryu Su-yeol' of career-oriented outcomeism. Detective, who should act as a staff of the people, but is an unjust person who closes his eyes to corrupt things for his future and success. Ryu's move broke the framework of Detective, which had been seen many times before, and properly twisted the cliché (the cliché that the main character is on the side of justice) as a "part of justice."
Lee Dong-wook said at the last production presentation, "Ryu Su-yeol is gold. It seems to be a person who runs for success with the process of mental maturity, but there is a point that 's not like that' as it goes backwards. I would appreciate it if you could focus on other parts of the character I have been working on so far. " Therefore, interest in Lee Dong-wook, who will renew his life character with a 'different' reverse cliché character that has not been drawn in a flat way, is further increased.
TVN’s “Bad Anne Crazy” production team said, “Ryu Su-yeol, a three-dimensional character with a new personality that breaks the cliché, will add to the original charm of Drama.” “Not only Ryu Su-yeol, but also characters of unique charms such as Lee Hee-gyeom of Wi Ha-joon, Han Ji-eun, and Oh Kyung-tae of Tea school are entangled and entangled and chewy fun. “We hope that it will not be easy to predict the direction of the development as well as the future.”
The TVN's new Drama Bad Anne Crazy, which raises expectations with its exciting development and performance, cool action and charming character combination, which deals with the novel material of the bad guy's personality recovery team play, will be broadcast on December 17 (Friday) at 10:40 p.m.
bad Annecrazy