The false suspicion of issuing visas over the Singer Amount date seems to spread to the suspicion of Avoidance of military service.
It was confirmed on the 28th that a complaint accusing Amount date of alleged Avoidance of military service was formally received by the relevant ministry, the Military Manpower Administration. “We have received a complaint and are currently reviewing it,” a MMA official said. The accusations have been consistently raised in the controversy over the extension of the false allegations of Amount date visa issuance.
“Amount date was a Korean activity every six months on the condition that he was a Korean person who had to go to the military, and even though he had the opportunity to restore Nationality, he did not abandon United States of America and could not renew his visa in Korea,” the accuser said.
“I don’t think it’s much different from Yoo Seung-jun’s case of being criticized by the public for a long time and Amount date,” said A. “As an entertainer (certified) in Korea, the public can see the selfishness and unconscion that they want to maintain as United States of America Nationality while enjoying external honor and economic activities and ‘black-headed foreigners’ preferences. “I want you to investigate it so that it can be done.”
Amount date's mother commented directly on YouTube videos related to the Amount date, referring to his military service.
His mother B has mentioned several times about his son's military service, including, "Amount date's visa was a visa to renew every six months on the condition of recovery of Korea Nationality, which is subject to military recruitment," and "Amount date said, "If United States of America decides to go back to United States of America and volunteer for the military." ...
Mr. B is the mother of the actual Amount date, and Amount date directly acknowledged that Mr. B is his mother and informed fans that he should "avoid contact with him."
According to the Justice Department official gazette, Amount date was granted the restoration of Korea Nationality in January 1993. However, it is presumed that Amount date gave up Korea Nationality by itself.
Amount date chose United States of America after the Busan concert in the second half of 1993. One media reported on the situation of Mount date at the time, saying, "The reason for the departure is that the music activity of the actor was not a job competition in Korea but a warm-up for the United States of America market."
Despite the circumstances, Amount date appeared on the JTBC entertainment program Sara Sugarman, which announced her return in December 2019, saying, "I do not want you to be in Korea." He refused to extend his visa and said, "I had to close my life in the domestic entertainment industry."
For this reason, accusations have been filed with related departments regarding false suspicions of Amount date's refusal to renew visas. “The episode of Mount date produced and spread images such as ‘Unknown South Korea’,” the accuser said at the time, “and the public is entitled to know the facts about an entertainer’s claim that has undermined the national image.”
Even if the suspicion that Amount date did Avoidance of military service at the time turns out to be true, there is no regulation to punish.
In this regard, lawyer Baek Ha Jang Hyuk-soon said, "If you run away for the purpose of avoiding military service, you will be punished according to the Military Service Act, but if you have already been punished for seven years because of Gina Rodriguez, you can not punish you." Moreover, the age at which military service cannot be fulfilled is not even able to fulfill Gina Rodriguez military service. "
However, it seems inevitable that Amount date has handed over responsibility to the immigration office by wrapping up the past that gave up Korea Nationality to avoid military service.
In addition, Amount date was accused of insolvency, plagiarism and tax erosion in the photo book release process. Amount date Mrs. Lee's agency, which is represented by Lee, is also investigated for being illegally operated because she does not do popular culture and arts planning business.
The fan meeting concert scheduled for January 8th next month also faces a high-priced controversy by setting a price of 160,000 won.
“We have notified the joint purchase notice that the refund is not available for a certain period of time, but we have made all the requests for a refund,” said the Amount date fan club management team. “We are considering effective countermeasures against our affiliates and fandom.”